Tuesday, May 5, 2009


( Physics & Chemistry )
( Marks : 65 )
Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete
statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the most
appropriate alternative and write it in the space provided below each question.
39 × 1 = 39
1. In a conductor, a changing magnetic field linking a conductor induces
(A) resistance (B) motor force
(C) electromotive force (D) magnetic force.
Ans :

2. How many times does the direction of the electric current change when the armature
of an A.C. dynamo makes five cycles ?
(A) 5 (B) 10
(C) 15 (D) 20.
Ans :

3. Number of photoelectrons ejected by a radiation in photoelectric effect is directly
proportional to its
(A) intensity
(B) frequency
(C) wavelength
(D) velocity.
Ans :

4. The electromagnetic radiation used in the treatment of cancer is
(A) infrared
(B) violet
(C) visible light
(D) gamma.
Ans :

5. The reason for rectifying action of a diode is
(A) low resistance in n-p direction
(B) high resistance in n-p direction
(C) very low resistance in n-p direction
(D) double the resistance in p-n direction.
Ans :

6. The dopant used in p-type semiconductors is
(A) aluminium
(B) phosphorus
(C) arsenic
(D) antimony.
Ans :

7. The function of detector in a radio receiver is to
(A) mix RF and AF signals
(B) amplify RF signals
(C) separate RF and AF signals
(D) amplify AF signals.
Ans :

8. The passengers inside an automobile moving fast along a curve feel pushed outwards
due to
(A) centripetal force
(B) centripetal reaction
(C) centrifugal reaction
(D) centripetal acceleration.
Ans :

9. When a mixture of mercury and water in a vessel is rotated using a centrifuge, the
highest centrifugal reaction is experienced by
(A) water
(B) mercury
(C) both water and mercury
(D) vessel.
Ans :

10. The tides due to the sun and moon can be explained by
(A) Kepler’s first law
(B) Kepler’s second law
(C) Newton’s third law
(D) law of gravitation.
Ans :

11. When the distance between two celestial bodies is increased by two times the original
distance, the gravitional force between them
(A) increases by 2 times
(B) decreases by 2 times
(C) increases by 4 times
(D) decreases by 4 times.
Ans :

12. The weight of an object is slightly higher near the poles than that at the equator, due
to earth’s
(A) atmosphere
(B) spherical shape
(C) geoid shape
(D) magnetic field.
Ans :

13. The part of a heat engine that converts linear movement into circular motion is
(A) crankshaft (B) piston rod
(C) piston (D) cylinder.
Ans :

14. Efficiency of an engine which performs work of 400 joules by utilising 1000 joules of
heat energy is
(A) 80%
(B) 60%
(C) 40%
(D) 20%.
Ans :

15. The ray that bends most in the dispersed light when sunlight is passed through a
prism is
(A) Red (B) Blue
(C) Orange (D) Violet.
Ans :

16. When monochromatic light is passed through benzene, the scattered light is
(A) monochromatic
(B) polychromatic
(C) coherent
(D) of the same wavelength.
Ans :

17. In a spectrometer collimator consists of
(A) lens and slit
(B) prism
(C) telescope
(D) source of light.
Ans :

18. The ultrasonic wave sent by a Sonar takes 4 seconds to return. The distance of the
object is [ the velocity of sound in water is 1·5 km/sec ]
(A) 6 km (B) 3 km
(C) 2 km (D) 1 km.
Ans :

19. The principle of working of radar gun used by traffic control authorities to detect
vehicles crossing speed limit, is
(A) Raman effect
(B) Rayleigh scattering
(C) Tyndall effect
(D) Doppler effect.
Ans :

20. The end stage of sun like stars is
(A) Black dwarf
(B) Black hole
(C) White dwarf
(D) Neutron star.
Ans :

21. The velocity of recession of celestial bodies is directly proportional to
(A) mass
(B) period of rotation
(C) distance
(D) volume.
Ans :

22. How many times is a star of magnitude + 1 brighter than a star of magnitude + 3 ?
(A) 6·25 (B) 6·15
(C) 6·05 (D) 6·00.
Ans :

23. The difference between normal hydrogen 1 H 1 and dueterium 1 H 2 is caused by
(A) Proton (B) Electron
(C) Positron (D) Neutron.
Ans :

24. The main source of electricity for artificial satellites is
(A) dry cells (B) solar cells
(C) acid cells (D) dynamo.
Ans :

25. The reason for painting the copper pipes with black paint in solar water heater is to
(A) reflect sunlight
(B) prevent the heat loss
(C) absorb solar energy
(D) prevent copper from reacting with air.
Ans :

26. To solve the problem of energy crisis to some extent the device that you may
recommend is
(A) pressure cooker
(B) firewood stove
(C) kerosene stove
(D) electric stove.
Ans :

27. In the refining of copper the mass of cathode
(A) decreases
(B) increases
(C) decreases gradually
(D) remains as before.
Ans :

28. The most reactive metal among the following is
(A) Zinc (B) Magnesium
(C) Iron (D) Sodium.
Ans :

29. In the extraction of amorphous silicon, the purpose of washing the products is, to
(A) dissolve silicon (B) dissolve magnesium oxide
(C) purify magnesium oxide (D) remove excess of silica.
Ans :

30. Silicones are used as insulators in electric motors because they
(A) become soft on heating
(B) have low resistance
(C) do not become soft on heating
(D) are thermoplastics.
Ans :

31. One of the characteristics of isomer is
(A) different molecular formula
(B) same structural formula
(C) same physical and chemical properties
(D) same molecular formula but different structures.
Ans :

32. The reason for adding ethyl mercaptan to liquefied petroleum gas is, to
(A) increase the efficiency of the stove
(B) prevent leakage of LPG
(C) detect leakage of LPG easily
(D) save fuel.
Ans :

33. How many moles of oxygen are necessary for the complete combustion of two moles
of butane ?
(A) 10 (B) 11
(C) 12 (D) 13.
Ans :

34. An example for polymer is
(A) chloroprene
(B) polythene
(C) carbolactum
(D) vinyl chloride.
Ans :

35. In the manufacture of cement the reason for adding gypsum is, to
(A) harden quickly
(B) make the concrete mix smooth
(C) increase the binding force
(D) prevent rapid setting.
Ans :

36. The use of plastic should be minimised because they are
(A) biodegradable
(B) non-biodegradable
(C) expensive
(D) brittle.
Ans :

37. The boiling method of softening hard water is not suitable when which of the
following salts are present in hard water ?
(A) Ca ( HCO ) 3 2
(B) Ca ( HCO ) 3 2 and Mg ( HCO ) 3 2
(C) Mg ( HCO ) 3 2
(D) Mg Cl 2 and CaSO 4 .
Ans :

38. The acid that is not related to saponification reaction is
(A) Sulphuric acid
(B) Stearic acid
(C) Oleic acid
(D) Palmitic acid.
Ans :

39. The use of detergents should be minimised because they
(A) are expensive
(B) are pollutants
(C) remove the colour of cloths
(D) decrease durability of cloths.
Ans :

( Biology )
( Marks : 35 )
Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete
statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the most
appropriate alternative and write it in the space provided below each question.
21 × 1 = 21
51. Phycoerythrin and phycocyanin are found in
(A) red algae
(B) blue green algae
(C) brown algae
(D) green algae.
Ans :

52. The number of chambers in the heart of birds is
(A) one
(B) three
(C) two
(D) four.
Ans :

53. In bryophytes, root like structures are called
(A) tap root (B) fibrous root
(C) rhizoids (D) prop root.
Ans :

54. In animals, fat is stored in
(A) areolar tissue
(B) cartilage tissue
(C) adipose tissue
(D) reticular tissue.
Ans :

55. The study of tissue is called
(A) Cytology
(B) Embryology
(C) Histology
(D) Pathology.
Ans :

56. The tissue used to prepare gunny bags is
(A) Parenchyma
(B) Collenchyma
(C) Sclerenchyma
(D) Phloem.
Ans :

57. The function of hormone can be compared to the function of a
(A) messenger (B) storekeeper
(C) convenor (D) manager.
Ans :

58. Small insects entering the ear can be removed by filling the external ear with
(A) hot water (B) salt water
(C) ice water (D) warm coconut oil.
Ans :

59. The brain of an adult man weighs about
(A) 1400 gms
(B) 1600 gms
(C) 2000 gms
(D) 1200 gms.
Ans :

60. Test to detect H.I.V. is
(A) Heart test
(B) R.B.C. test
(C) ELISA test
(D) Urine test.
Ans :

61. Hepatitis B is dangerous since it damages
(A) brain
(B) liver
(C) heart
(D) intestine.
Ans :

62. The disease which is not spread by using public toilets is
(A) Cholera
(B) Malaria
(C) Hepatitis B
Ans :

63. A person is suffering from a disease known as dropsy. The adulterent which causes
it, is
(A) mineral oil
(B) argemone oil
(C) coconut oil
(D) kerosene oil.
Ans :

64. The instrument used to test the density of milk is
(A) Thermometer (B) Lactometer
(C) Manometer (D) Hydrometer.
Ans :

65. One should examine for which of the following certifications while purchasing packed
food in the market ?
(A) WHO mark
(B) ISI mark
(C) FAO mark
(D) ISO mark.
Ans :

66. Which of the following bacteria takes part in denitrification ?
(A) Pseudomonas
(B) Nitrosomonas
(C) Nitrobacter
(D) Rhizobium.
Ans :

67. Growing broad leafed plants helps in
(A) cutting the wind speed
(B) reducing sound pollution
(C) reducing air pollution
(D) beautifying the sorroundings.
Ans :

68. Smog is more common in
(A) industrially dense area
(B) hilly area with thick vegetation
(C) river valley area
(D) area with closely built-up villages.
Ans :

69. The disease ‘Minamata’ is caused by an industrial pollutant named
(A) Lead
(B) Chromium
(C) Mercury
(D) Cadmium.
Ans :

70. D.N.A. fingerprint technology has found significance in the field of
(A) Genetics
(B) Forensic science
(C) Agricultural science
(D) Physiology.
Ans :

71. Knowledge of cloning promotes
(A) creation of living things by asexual method
(B) destroying dangerous living species
(C) controlling population explosion
(D) creating living things by sexual method.
Ans :